The road less travelled - Film Photography

The road less travelled. Film.

The age of technology has revolutionized how people thought, acted, perceived things, and

... took photography.

With the rise of digicams and DSLRs, film has slowly become the minority in the photography industry. Although there are still a handful of people who adore and patronize film, most of the new photographers and even a the old ones, have taken digital photography as their medium.

Before I started using film, I tried to scoure the net for Filipino photography forums in order to further increase my knowledge about the art. Luckily I found a thread where people went the road less travelled. It's called Real (film) Photography .

So anyway, I'll be posting here some of my better pics. Take note that I have just started photography and am currently self-learning all the stuff.

Thanks in advance for any views or comments!


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