Ok, here are some of my better shots when I was in Korea. There were supposed to be 5 rolls for the trip, but when the scans came back, there was a note that said that one of the films were unexposed.. so I only received 4. Too bad.. I forgot what was in that roll. Oh well. I'll post in a few days my test shots for my makeshift studio + a very important lesson I learned. LOL.
Enjoy! :)

This photo was shot with expired film. I had this film lying around. All I know is that it was subjected to above average heat. So maybe the aging process hastened. Anyway, hope you enjoy this set :)
One extra tidbit. I was able to find Neopan Acros 120 films at last. So expect new Mamiya photos soon. Damn Lucky 120 films are a waste of money and time. Don't even bother. Two rolls, both defective. tsk.
Enjoy! :)

This photo was shot with expired film. I had this film lying around. All I know is that it was subjected to above average heat. So maybe the aging process hastened. Anyway, hope you enjoy this set :)
One extra tidbit. I was able to find Neopan Acros 120 films at last. So expect new Mamiya photos soon. Damn Lucky 120 films are a waste of money and time. Don't even bother. Two rolls, both defective. tsk.
Check out more of my photos in my flickr site - http://www.flickr.com/photos/franciscogmm/
For the Korea set - http://www.flickr.com/photos/franciscogmm/sets/72157623888549594/
For the Korea set - http://www.flickr.com/photos/franciscogmm/sets/72157623888549594/
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