Canon ef 75-300mm lens

image from
I have just received my 3 rolls of fujifilm superia iso 400. I'm really psyched for friday as we will having a photo trip either in la mesa ecopark or in makati. I have just finished my roll of Kodak BW400CN last saturday. I used my last three shots on my girlfriend. We tried making emo pics. haha What a trip.

Anyway, as of now, I am out for the lookout for a telephoto, preferably in the 70-300mm range. Here's something I saw, the Canon EF 75-300 f/4-5.6 III USM, when I was bargain hunting in For it's price of PHP6,800, roughly $140, I think it's ok. As of now, I am trying to see if I can come up with enough cash to add that extra 75-300 range to my kit lens which ranges from 28-90mm f/4-5.6.

I also came across a Sigma 28-200, which almost, ALMOST, is a 'do it all' lens, except that it starts at 28, rather than 18. This costs much cheaper - PHP5000, or $100. It's more used though as the Canon EF lens was 'only used twice' and still has the brand new feel.

Anyway, I really want to be able to get a telephoto lens as I would like to pursue Street Photography. It's really hard taking shots of my subjects when I have to come closer to get that perfect shot. With the extra range, I'd be able to catch my subject unaware. I'd also like to pair this one with some traditional black and white film, probably an Ilford Delta 3200 although I am a little hesitant because traditional black and white film developing costs a lot more than normal developing and the film might be too fast for something with that focal range.

I am still searching for better lenses that are also cheap, although I doubt I will find something like that. I am still hopeful though as money is hard to come by nowadays. Haha.

Speaking of telephoto lenses, I saw some of my photography orgmates with humongous lenses. argh their rich parents for giving them everything. HAHA Joking aside, they were in my university because there was a 'marathon' race there. I ran so I did not have the chance to take photos.

I'd like to be able to get this lens soon as I feel that the range that my lens lacks the capabilities to shoot what I want. Also, I am shy. HAHA It's hard to come up to a stranger and take their pictures with my lens facing their faces.

Anyway, I shall be posting more pictures as soon as I develop the three rolls of Fuji Superia 400 and the Kodak BW400CN. Sorry, it's just way too expensive to be developing per roll.

Fuji 35 mm Film

Ok, I'm psyched as I have just ordered my first set of Fujicolor superia 400s. :) I've heard great stuff bout this film and all I can say is I can't wait. What's good is that I was able to get them for a low price.

Anyway, I have always take photos with films with ISO 100 or 200. This would be my first time to use a 400 without having to change the settings from my camera. This would probably let me shoot photos in low light without having to resort to very VERY slow shutter speeds.

Very slow shutter speeds are a B*tch. Haha. I still haven't gotten myself a tripod so anything beyond 15-30, I would not dare to touch. I have taken pics with very low shutter speeds and I am lucky to get atleast some that have not blurred. Check out the city lights by the bay picture in my last post. I placed the camera on top of the ledge. Lucky me.

Anyway, I'm psyched about the Fuji 35 mm films that would be arriving early next thursday.

Oh by the way, I still have 3 exposures of my Kodak bw400cn film. I have yet to take a picture of my friend with his brand new ukelele. :) I'll post pics as soon as I get the film processed and scanned.

A few months with Film Photography

A couple of months into Film Photography and I've only felt satisfied and fulfilled. Whenever I get to see freshly developed films, there's this feeling of excitement that I feel that I don't really feel whenever I take a quick look at pics I take from Dslrs. It's something really different.

Even though I've had to shell out a lot of money for film, developing, transferring to CD, film photography has been really rewarding. I think there's no better way to study the art of photography than to start off with film.

Why? Every click on the shutter button is GOLD. This is where your start to really try to compose your shot in order to make that one frame worthwhile and meaningful. It's really different from shooting and shooting with the Dslrs because you don't really take into consideration the cost - because you don't have any.

No pain no gain, as they would say. Anyway, I have been trying to learn about how to properly mix aperture, ISO and shutterspeed. I found this site in one of my researches. It's the "Ultimate Exposure Computer". It teaches you how to properly judge the background and apply necessary

Also, I have tried my hand with black and white photography. I am really fascinated with BnW when mixed with street photography. Someday, when I get my gear together, I will pursue that.

Anyway, here are some of the pics from my recent films