A couple of months into Film Photography and I've only felt satisfied and fulfilled. Whenever I get to see freshly developed films, there's this feeling of excitement that I feel that I don't really feel whenever I take a quick look at pics I take from Dslrs. It's something really different.
Even though I've had to shell out a lot of money for film, developing, transferring to CD, film photography has been really rewarding. I think there's no better way to study the art of photography than to start off with film.
Why? Every click on the shutter button is GOLD. This is where your start to really try to compose your shot in order to make that one frame worthwhile and meaningful. It's really different from shooting and shooting with the Dslrs because you don't really take into consideration the cost - because you don't have any.
Anyway, here are some of the pics from my recent films

Even though I've had to shell out a lot of money for film, developing, transferring to CD, film photography has been really rewarding. I think there's no better way to study the art of photography than to start off with film.
Why? Every click on the shutter button is GOLD. This is where your start to really try to compose your shot in order to make that one frame worthwhile and meaningful. It's really different from shooting and shooting with the Dslrs because you don't really take into consideration the cost - because you don't have any.
No pain no gain, as they would say. Anyway, I have been trying to learn about how to properly mix aperture, ISO and shutterspeed. I found this site in one of my researches. It's the "Ultimate Exposure Computer". It teaches you how to properly judge the background and apply necessary
Also, I have tried my hand with black and white photography. I am really fascinated with BnW when mixed with street photography. Someday, when I get my gear together, I will pursue that.
Anyway, here are some of the pics from my recent films

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