I'm excited for my cousin's debut. Why? That's because she will be having a photoshoot for her debut this november. I asked if I could tag along her photo shoot and take some photos of her in traditional black and white. I'm thinking if I should load up on C-41 bnw, like xp2 or bw400cn, or do it old fashion and use ilford hp5s or kodak tmaxs. To any readers out there, can you suggest to me what to use as this would be my first real photo shoot. Thanks!
Debutant Modelling
Monday, August 31, 2009
black and white,
ilford hp5,
kodak t-max,

Check out my Flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/people/franciscogmm/
I have posted there most of my photos. I will be uploading their soon! Watch out!
Long times.
It has been a week or so since I have carried my camera and shot pictures. With the increasing amount of school work and stress from university and organization obligations, I have found little time to photograph. For the time being, I have settled with looking through black and white groups in flickr, and by looking at the photos that my uncle has been sending me.
Also, I found this blog, www.branconopreto.com, that really captured my interest. The photographer and I have the same taste based on what type of photos we like. This blog, showcases, mostly black and white photos. If you know me, you should know that I love black and white. That's why I told myself that for black and white pictures, I will stick to film.
Anyway, I shall try to find time for my hobby. Don't worry, I'm not letting my camera collect dust. lol
Band Photography - First shot!

I just got home from an event sponspored by my friend's home org. It was pretty near my place so I decided to go and check the scene out. Anyway, I heard, from another friend (let's call him A), that the band he was managing was playing in the event, so I decided to take the opportunity to use one of my rolls of Ilford Deta 3200 black and white film to do some band photography.
Since I have been to other gigs, and have played in a couple myself, I knew that the lighting would not be kind to photographers. I knew that the place would be kinda dark with lots of lights flashing around. With this in mind, I asked some of my friends if they had an available Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens that they can lend me. Luckily, one of my friends had his niftyfifty on hand and let me borrow it.
The lens was amazing. It was my first time to use one. It was very fast and it helped me capture some shots at around 1/125 seconds shutterspeed. That pretty much solved the dilemma of the band moving too much. The very high ISO of one of the fastest films out there also helped.
In fact, it was so great that I did not change back to my 28-90mm lens for the remainder of the night.
I really had so much fun because I was able to catch the expressions in their faces that exhibited their passion for the music.
In the end, I still had six more shots left. I'll probably take photos of my girlfriend or some other subject, in low light.
I shall post pics after I get them developed. All in all, I was able to take around 15 shots of Gracenote and 9 shots of Tonight We Sleep.
If you guys are fans of these bands, follow the links; or better yet, buy their EP to show your support!
I'm really sorry that the developing is taking too long. I want to finish my last C-41 film before I send them for bulk processing. It saves me a lot of money. lol
Thursday, August 20, 2009
band photography,
canon ef 50mm f/1.8,
film photography,
ilford delta 3200,
low light

What gear should I get? Canon ef 75-300mm f/4-5.6 or Canon ef 50mm f/1.8
Ok, here's the deal. I am interested in getting additional gear to back me up for when I go on shoots.
Basically, I want to get the telephoto for when I go on photo trips or when I start shooting sports events. I need the range so that I will not have to go closer. No duh. lol. This will help me for when I decide to pursue street photography.This will probably cost me Php 6,800 to Php 7,000 (around $140) at the very least.
Now, I am interested in getting the prime lens because my org in my university will be setting up model shoots and I would like to be able to have the option of using the prime lens for intense bokeh photos. Also, I've seen sample photos and I must say, for the price, it produces outstanding pictures. I really want to use this lens when I load my camera with the Ilford delta 3200 black and white film. This will probably go for Php 3,500 to Php 4,000. ($70-80)
Help me out guys. I need help!
Or maybe I can follow my girlfriend's advice and save for a dslr to cut down on my expenses. Lol
*update - as of now, I am planning on saving up for a dslr, probably a used one. I'll still use my film camera for when I shoot traditional black and white!
Monday, August 17, 2009
canon ef 50mm f/1.8,
canon ef 75-300mm lens,
canon eos,

Recollections: Makati Photo trip
Roughly two weeks ago, my friends and I went to Makati, Philippines to take a photo trip. We were all psyched because we all wanted to do something that we all had a passion for.
When we got out of the cab, the first thing that we did was we took out all our cameras - 1 Nikon, 2 Canons, 1 Lubitel, and 1 fisheye 2. Well, what happened was a few minutes after the taxi ride, wee noticed this cop walking towards us. I then thought that he would criticize us about us using our cameras. True enough, we got scolded and he asked for a permit. Strict cops. I thought we could use our cameras in public places. I had the same feeling when my friend who owned he lubitel and fisheye were skating up near the Mall of Asia. We walked around the corner to avoid any other guards and right at the same time when my friends hopped on to his board, a cop in a ford f1 opened his siren and scolded us. Haha. It was fun. I can now tell my kids (in the future) that I got "harassed" by cops more than once! lol
When we got out of the cab, the first thing that we did was we took out all our cameras - 1 Nikon, 2 Canons, 1 Lubitel, and 1 fisheye 2. Well, what happened was a few minutes after the taxi ride, wee noticed this cop walking towards us. I then thought that he would criticize us about us using our cameras. True enough, we got scolded and he asked for a permit. Strict cops. I thought we could use our cameras in public places. I had the same feeling when my friend who owned he lubitel and fisheye were skating up near the Mall of Asia. We walked around the corner to avoid any other guards and right at the same time when my friends hopped on to his board, a cop in a ford f1 opened his siren and scolded us. Haha. It was fun. I can now tell my kids (in the future) that I got "harassed" by cops more than once! lol
Anyway, we were forced to go to the opposite direction and avoid any cops that we would see. We almost got caught when we were shooting in the underground walk ways. Since it was almost 5 pm, I was forced to push my ISO to 1600 instead of the default ISO of my film, which was 400. Anyway, it was all good. We went all around the vicinity, while taking pictures and chilling. Let's not forget that we were "running" away from the cops.
We ended up having a lot of fun. although it may take a while until I can get my photos developed.
At around 7 pm, we headed back to the bus station and rode back to Cubao, where we went our separate ways.
Next stop, Manila Bay. Sunset shots and hopefully, no more cops!
film photography,
Fuji 35 mm Film,
fuji superia 400,
fujifilm superia 400,

Ilford Delta 3200 Black and White Film

A couple of hours ago, my friend and I went to this toy camera store up in 13th avenue on Santolan, parallel from P. Tuazon, Cubao. The camera store was basically a lomo store called Oh Shoot me! I tagged along because I heard they sold the Ilford delta 3200 film that I ahve been wanting to buy. Anyway, I bought two rolls, 'cause I thought that it would be hassle to go all the way to hidalgo and just ask one roll to be processed. So anyway, the rolls were Php 260 pesos each. It was a bit pricey, although it was the cheapest that I have seen during my search. Image from photo.net
I can't wait to shoot the films. I am planning on using one for when my other friend and I will go to a photoshoot with our girlfriends being the models. I want to see how grainy this kind of film will be. Anyway, I'll keep you guys posted.
It sucks coz I still haven't finished all of my film for my bulk C-41 processing. I have one roll left, so stay tuned for photos!
black and white,
film photography,
oh shoot me,
p. tuazon

Canon L f2.4 lens
This afternoon, my photographer buddy told me that he was able to use a canon L f2.4 lens when he shot for an art awards event last night, for his publication. He was able to borrow it from one of his friends. He showed it to me; even let me carry it. Damn, it was heavy. He told me that when he switched back to his kit lens, it felt like he was carrying a powershot. LOL.
Argh. I wonder when I would get a chance to buy one of those. Wonderful bokeh from at 200mm focal length. Ack.
Soon soon.
This was his gear during the shoot.
Canon 450d
18-55mm kit lens
75-300 f/4-5.6 non USM
and the Canon L f/2.4 lens
No photo session
Excited as I was for the touch rugby photoshoot, it did not matter. The photoshoot was cancelled because of weather reasons. Apparently, they were taking precautions against the storm that came back to the Philippines.
Surprisingly, no rain was observed during that day. . just strong winds.
Too bad, I was totally excited to use the telephoto lens. In fact, I was 1 hour away from picking it up when my girlfriend informed me about the cancellation.
Oh well, there will be other times. Also, my friend, who has a Nikon d40, and who will be upgrading to a d90 come december bought his very own 55-200 telephoto lens just for this shoot. Lucky bastard.
I shall update next time!
PS. I still have 2 rolls of the Fujifilim 400 ASA. I am currently on the lookout for an Ilford delta 3200 black and white, a traditional black and white, and an Ilford XP2 C-41 Black and white film. I'm looking to buy a few rolls as I would like to get that grainy effect when I do this shoot of my friend's band. It's indoors so the 3200 ISO will work like a charm.
Photography Images: Touch Rugby Australia
This saturday, I will be shooting a touch rugby game in the Rizal Memorial Stadium, Philippines in hopes of getting great sports photography images. Contrary to the title, this will not include any australians, although the coach of the team from the University of the Philippines has trained and played rugby in australia.
This will be my first time in shooting a touch rugby game, or any sport for that matter. I am very excited as my friend will be lending me his canon ef 75-300 telephoto lens. This will surely help me score photos from afar.
Did I mention? My girlfriend will be playing for UP. She was the one who introduced me to the sport and she was also the one who urged me to train with them last summer. At first, I really did not know the rules and that contributed to me making many mistakes. Although as time passed, I became accustomed to the rules and plays, as the position that I played was, somewhat like my position in my college football team. That helped a lot.
Now, with the knowledge that I have about the sport (e.g. where the ball will go, what will happen during plays, etc.), I will be sure to wait for the right moments before taking sports photography images of this touch rugby australia. . oops. .philippines, match.
I shall be updating this blog with more photos from my first BnW film trial and a couple of rolls from the fujifilm superia 400. Stay tuned!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
film photography,
photography images,
rugby australia,