I just got home from an event sponspored by my friend's home org. It was pretty near my place so I decided to go and check the scene out. Anyway, I heard, from another friend (let's call him A), that the band he was managing was playing in the event, so I decided to take the opportunity to use one of my rolls of Ilford Deta 3200 black and white film to do some band photography.
Since I have been to other gigs, and have played in a couple myself, I knew that the lighting would not be kind to photographers. I knew that the place would be kinda dark with lots of lights flashing around. With this in mind, I asked some of my friends if they had an available Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens that they can lend me. Luckily, one of my friends had his niftyfifty on hand and let me borrow it.
The lens was amazing. It was my first time to use one. It was very fast and it helped me capture some shots at around 1/125 seconds shutterspeed. That pretty much solved the dilemma of the band moving too much. The very high ISO of one of the fastest films out there also helped.
In fact, it was so great that I did not change back to my 28-90mm lens for the remainder of the night.
I really had so much fun because I was able to catch the expressions in their faces that exhibited their passion for the music.
In the end, I still had six more shots left. I'll probably take photos of my girlfriend or some other subject, in low light.
I shall post pics after I get them developed. All in all, I was able to take around 15 shots of Gracenote and 9 shots of Tonight We Sleep.
If you guys are fans of these bands, follow the links; or better yet, buy their EP to show your support!
I'm really sorry that the developing is taking too long. I want to finish my last C-41 film before I send them for bulk processing. It saves me a lot of money. lol
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